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The SEACRIFOG Roadmap towards an optimized GHG observation in Africa – finalized

Recently the SEACIROFG project concluded. It addressed the challenge of continental-wide Greenhouse Gas Observation in Africa which is mainly limited due to unbalanced technical and human capacities. As a major output, the project consortia developed a roadmap for an optimized, harmonized and feasible GHG-observation infrastructure for Africa and its offshore areas taking existing networks, technical and human capacities and costing into account. Based on the continental-wide inventory of existing networks, measurement stations and data products, a multi-species optimal network design for reducing uncertainty on main GHG fluxes in Africa has revealed that investments in observation infrastructure should ideally consider a continental-wide approach, but preference should be given to the placement of new tall-tower stations in Africa between 10°N and 25°S. More detailed information can be found in the recent publication by Alecia Nickeless et al.

However, SEACRIFOG also concluded in its final report, written by Mylene Ndisi, that investments in infrastructure are only one building block for the successful and long-term operation of an optimized and harmonized GHG observation. Equal investments in human resources capacity building as well as feasible maintenance strategies, developed and implemented by capacitated African institutions, are required. The final report is accessible here.

The SEACIROFG project has come to the end of the first round, but more work is need to reach the ultimate goal of the development of long-term GHG observation in whole Africa. Next steps will follow in due time.

We thank all partners, supporters and stakeholders for their valuable contribution to the project!

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