Training workshop on analytical oceanography and data management by SEACRIFOG
During the first 10 days of April, the workshop on «Analytical oceanography and data management» was held in Bergen, Norway.
The participants were trained in a variety of oceanographic measurements and analyses, e.g. deployment of a mooring, setup of sensors, and sampling and analyses of discrete water samples. Two days were used on board the research vessel Hans Brattstrøm, which headed for a nearby fjord where the participants deployed scientific instruments collected seawater.
The last part of the workshop focussed on data management, e.g. data quality control, where to store and find data, useful software packages, and the importance of sharing data. Except from a touch of snow during the first day, the weather was cooperating all the way from start to end of the workshop, and the participants might actually get the impression that the sun is always shining on this second largest city of Norway. This is of course not the case at all.
You can access all workshop material following these links:, Please request the password for the folder asking the project coordinator: