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Work Package 7: High-level policy liaison and funding concept


The main objective of the work package is to reinforce the nexus “science, society and policy” and to maximize the impact of the achievements of the project. In order to ensure that the scientific results have the best chance to be translated into concrete policies and actions, WP7 will establish and maintain a dialogue platform with high-level stakeholders from Europe and Africa. International agreements or similar solutions will be proposed for the reciprocal use, openness or co-financing of research infrastructures. To make sure that SEACRIFOG delivers a design-study fostering long-term cooperation between European and African infrastructures, WP7 will also develop innovative co-funding concepts.

If the official start of WP7 is in Month 13, a strong involvement of its members from the beginning in the work of other WPs is more than welcome. Certain subtasks can easily take place before WP7 officially begins its work. The late start will allow, though, to capitalize on the first results obtained (see below, Essential linkages).

Task 7.1. Establishing a high-level dialogue platform
The task will identify and connect relevant decision-makers around a high-level dialogue platform. This platform will be established in cooperation with global organizations addressing issues of climate change, environment, development, food security… such as WMO, UNEP, UNFCCC, GCOS, GEO, FAO… To ensure that SEACRIFOG matches the framework of the Joint Africa–EU Strategy, the platform will capitalize on the work of the EU–Africa High-Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI). ICOS ERIC is already well integrated in global fora: it is a Participating Organization in the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and a leading actor of GEO’s Carbon and GHG Initiative. ICOS ERIC has also started the process to become an Observer Organization in UNFCCC. The annual events programmed by these global actors will be instrumental to build the platform under the coordination of ICOS ERIC.
Subtask 7.1.1. Identify relevant members of the high-level platform
Each SEACRIFOG partner will be contacted and a list of potential high-level experts likely to have the greatest synergies with SEACRIFOG will be made. The members can be selected in their own capacity or on the basis of their position in relevant partner institutions. A special emphasis will be put on the expert group of the EU–Africa HLPD/STI.
Subtask 7.1.2. Identify relevant fora
In the same way, global or regional arenas where T7.1 will be advanced will be selected. They will include annual COPs, GEO plenaries… but other relevant fora will have to be found.
Subtask 7.1.3. Edit appropriate information material
When contacting the potential members of the platform, it is important to be able to deliver a clear message on the objectives and the economy of SEACRIFOG. It is thus crucial to create material that will convey an “understandable” information to the targeted policy-makers.
Subtask 7.1.4. Engage the platform
The members of the high-level dialog platform will be approached by different means and their participation in SEACRIFOG will be fostered. They will be invited to take part in relevant events (workshops, lectures, side-events…) tailored to mobilize the platform and advance the results of SEACRIFOG. The results of the platform will be used to support the EU-Africa dialogue This subtask will build on the achievements of subtasks 7.1.1 to 7.1.3.

Task 7.2. Building a network of interested funding organizations and developing an investment plan
A rough estimate shows that an adapted observation system for GHG and aerosol emissions (with a focus on climate-smart agriculture) will request huge investments, probably beyond 100 M€ over the next decade, especially if capacity-building is included. As the key to maximize the impact of SEACRIFOG, it will require a solid funding concept involving a mosaic of funding organizations. New type of partnerships between academia, stakeholders, users, and funding bodies will be necessary if the proposed solutions are to be implemented. Using the platform designed in T7.1, a network of funding organizations will be established. For this, ICOS ERIC will sub-contract an NGO in charge of pooling interested parties. Meetings of the parties will be organized, one of them at least together with WP 1 and WP6.
Subtask 7.2.1. Identify the relevant NGO
Finding the appropriate partner will be one of the major challenges of T7.2 (and WP7). Subtask 7.2.2. Co-organize the joint event in Cabo Verde A “three-spheres-workshop” meant to test the articulation of national, regional and international levels in a demonstration case will be co-organized with WP1 and WP6.
Subtask 7.2.3. Design the co-financing concept(s)
The final report will suggest alternative solutions, to match the adaptive nature of the project.

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