SEACRIFOG Dialogue Platform
The SEACRIFOG Dialogue Platform (SDP) is an advisory body providing strategic and policy-related guidance inclusively. The SDP will accompany the implementation of the SEACRIFOG project into an infrastructure for GHG observations on the African continent. Future objectives and roadmaps will be set, and long-term funding strategies sought and discussed. Other key objectives of the platform are to ensure the translation of GHG observation data into science in interoperable ways in order to impact society economically and politically. The platform will allow for continuous review of processes throughout the lifetime of the infrastructure.
Membership to the SDP will remain open to evolve according to changing needs during the growth of the research infrastructure, providing a forum for high-level stakeholders from Europe and Africa, particularly taking into account societal players closer to the grassroots such as entrepreneurs and/or farmers. The members of the SDP are senior managers or high-level executives from European and African organizations representing the major stakeholders to the project: regional or global multilateral organizations, research institutions, local and national governments and actors in the fields of earth observation, agriculture food security.
1st virtual meeting of the SDP 2020
During the first meeting the results of the SEACRIFOG project, were presented to give all members a coherent overview on the projects status.
A second meeting will be planned in due time.
The SEACRIFOG Dialouge Platform is organized and hosted by working package 7. For more information, contact Myléne Ndisi